Our Top 5 DISH Team Summit Class Picks
You did it! You finally registered for DISH Team Summit, booked all your flights and settled your hotel accommodations. The next step is always the hardest… trying to decide which of the many classes being offered you’re going to take time to attend.
All-Systems always makes attending the offered trainings a priority, even for our own employees. So we asked our VP of Sales, Evan Schieren, to give us his list of the top 5 classes his team will be both attending and suggesting to our retailers.
Evan’s selections focus primarily on DISH Commercial business. As we’ve been telling retailers for the last few months, this sector of our business has been growing year over year at an astronomical rate. And when the much anticipated “internet of things” really comes into play, the commercial market will have the largest opportunity in profits and revenue.
So if you’re attending Team Summit, be sure to check out these 5 classes so you’ll be ready!
Maximizing Sales in a Competitive Market
Everyone wants to be more effective in their sales process. In this class, you’ll learn the do’s and don’ts when in the selling environment, how to qualify more customers, overcome objections, and close sales more effectively. We’ll share best practices to help you make the most of every customer conversation.
Why Sell DISH Business: Untapped Markets to Propel Your Business
Is your business ready to expand beyond selling to just single-family homes? Join the DISH Business team to learn about the growth opportunities in commercial and how to take advantage of them in your market. This session will give you an overview of Public/Private, Free-to-Guest (FTG) and MDU (Multi-Dwelling Unit) markets as well as the revenue potential they provide.
Bulk Sales: Prospecting, Preparing, Proposing & More
Whether you are already actively selling in the hotel, motel, hospital, assisted living, and MDU (Multi-Dwelling Unit) markets or just getting started, this session will review the sales strategies you need to help you sell more deals and build your business with DISH. DISH Business experts will cover it all from finding the right prospects and preparing to finessing the proposal and closing the sale. If you took Bulk Sales 201 last year, this content will look very familiar
How to Grow Your Business in Public/Private
In many ways, Public and Private customers are similar to the residential customers you are already selling to, which makes this a great growth opportunity for your business. This session will share successful strategies for expanding your sales efforts to include the Public/Private customers in your market.
HughesNet Sales Training
This course will cover best practices for positioning and selling HughesNet. It will cover product overview, prospect qualification, and closing techniques. In addition, an overview of marketing materials and tactics will be provided, to give Retailers complete insight into the assets and tools available to them.
Honorable Mention: Smartbox Certification
While not on the official Team Summit Training schedule, there will be a DISH Smartbox Certification course being offered in Orlando on Monday April 30th. If you’ve been wanting to get yourself or your team certified and you’ll be making the trip for the conference, we highly recommend getting in a day early to take advantage of this opportunity to get certified. To register, click here.
Ready to create your Team Summit Training Schedule? You can see all the classes being offered here on DISH Portal.
Which classes are you planning to attend? Leave us a comment, so the All-Systems team can be sure we run into you there!